Introduction: Homemade Infinite Twisting Fidget Toy

About: I build things with kids ages 10~16 in an afterschool program. I hope that I can continue to create instructables to inspire others Buy things on Amazon? Amazon donates a small percentage of your order t…

Warning: While this is a fun inexpensive toy, please be mindful and keep it away from very small children who may attempt to swallow.

Average Cost: (Varies from $1~6.00)

-This can definitely be made for less than $3 if you’re resourceful and are willing to make a few phone calls to ask or look around.

I also attached a handy pdf file for this instructable.


Supplies needed:

1) Two key rings for holding keys ($1.00) or if you buy them bulk 50x for $5.00. These can be purchased at Walmart, hardware stores, Oriental Trading Co., etc.

2) Some old bicycle or garage door chain. You can also use a junk chain and then remove rust by cleaning or soaking in gas/mineral spirits. Use caution from fumes and potential flammable material. Another alternative is to buy the spare unused links from bicycle shops. When they buy chain in bulk, they break a chain to install it to fit onto a bicycle they are repairing. Usually they have a few links left over after an install/repair. This left over is typically thrown away (sold as scrap).

3) Small rubber bands or O-rings (can usually find rubber bands for free). O-rings for tattoo machines can be bought inexpensive if purchased in bulk. You can also find O-rings in local hardware stores, go to surplus hair supply (Mid-K or similar stores), you can typically find small rubber bands. In the picture above, I used general rubber bands I found at school or at the office, they are a little longer so I had to wrap them around 3 times.

Tools needed:

1) Bicycle Chain breaker: $8.00 (Recommended) Price can vary between $6 ~ $20. Buy yourself an average price to good brand. I am sure if you could pay a bicycle shop to take a chain apart too, maybe 2~3 links, they would do it for a few bucks if not free if they weren’t busy.

Alternative 1: (Also Recommended) As noted above, you can possibly buy some spare links from a bicycle shop that will be disposed of anyway. Try to ask around for someone who may have this tool, or to take your chain apart for you so you don't have to purchase unless you really want one.

Alternative 2:(Not recommended, but can be done) A very small steel hole punch, hammer, vise, and steady hands for pushing out steel pins. Again, I wouldn’t recommend, however I have done this before when I bought a chain breaker that was so cheap that it broke when using.

2) A small magnetic dish (useful, but not necessary). This will be used to hold all the metal bits when you take the chain apart. There are actually quite a few.

3) Small fingers and a little patience.

Step 1: Off the Chain and What You're Left With..

Breaking a chain

If you decide to do it yourself...

Use your chain breaker to break a chain. :S Wording seems a little redundant. Depending upon the chain you have access to, we are going to discuss a basic single speed 20” bicycle chain which is most commonly found. The link/ spacing for the crank, gear on a garage door chain which can be used as an alternative. If you use a 10 speed or mountain bike chain, I cannot guarantee this will work the same using a standard key ring.

Your third alternative is to get someone/ bike shop to do it for you. You will end up with parts are shown in the picture.

Below are the parts you will now have when when you undo 1.5 links.

(2) Pins

(2) Outer links

(2) Inner links

(2) rollers / bushings

Step 2: Starting the Assembly

Assemble your parts as shown. You will not need the pins, however I will create an Instructable to use the pins later on.

Take your chain parts and form a cookie/ sandwich of parts in this order: Outer link, inner link, both bearings, inner link, and outer link. Use one or two rubber bands/ o rings to hold it together.

1) Bearings are currently stacked on one inner link. I will close the bearings between inner
links, and then put both outer links on the outside.

2) Bearings between inner links.

3) See picture with the desired arrangement prior to putting on rubber band/ o-ring.

4) Put your O-ring or rubber-band around the sandwiched pieces (As shown in the picture).

Step 3: Add the Key Rings

1) Attach and arrange the key rings onto the prepared link you’ve made as shown in the picture below. One key ring will be attached onto each side.

2) You will now prepare another stacked link like before and then attach it to the other end.

3) Flip right link inward and then the next part will be a little tricky to explain. (See pictures).

4) I made this picture bigger than the others since it is has the most important detail. Make sure that the left side ring is inter locked into the other ring and then attach it to the remaining link hole. To better explain what I am talking about review the picture below.

This key-ring set-up is extremely important for this fidget toy to work.

If you do not arrange your key-rings in this manner, the toy will not be able to spin (at all). The rings will lock up and bind because the hoops are the same size, which is not what we want. The rings need to be offset slightly so they will twist inward upon each other.

Tip: If you are having difficulty setting it up the way shown, try taking the left ring off completely and then first interlocking it first to the right key ring. Then put in through each of the links. Depending upon how big your fingers are, or how coordinated you might be due to nail length etc., you may have an easier time.

Best of luck!

Step 4: Now Play With It, Calm Those Nerves, and Feel Awesome!

Now to test it out. It should be able to twist continuously inwards or outwards if you did it right.

How did this work out for you? Please ask or comment and I will update this instructable so it will be easier for everyone!!