Introduction: Homemade Roly Poly Toys
Hai everyone!. This time i will show you how to make a toys!. The name is Roly-Poly. Its super simple to make and it's cheap.
This toy can be played by children, teens, etc. Also can be played by animals like Cats, Dog, or Bird
Ok now lets make it
*sorry for my bad photo! :)
Step 1: Watch the Video
This will make easier to make!
Step 2: You Need:
- Led bulb (use the lid)
- Small toys (I use squidwards toy)
- Cement & Cement spoon
- Water
Step 3: Make the Dough
Fill the cement with water and mix it with cement spoon (don't too watery)
Step 4: Fill the Led Bulb Lid
- Fill the led bulb lid with cement and insert the toy
- Wait until dry ± 4 hours
- If the toys is dry pull the toys and play it.
( you can also colouring it )
- Finish!