Introduction: Homemade Super Simple Cheese

About: I am from the land of Louisville, Kentucky locked in a tower high above the clouds! When I'm not in school, I am always creating something. It's just me! I don't do things the "recommended" way. I just get out…
Let me start off by saying this is my first instructable. I learned to make this really simple cheese yesterday. This cheese is relatively flavorless, but i will show you the uses for it at the end. (Will post pics soon!)

Step 1: Materials

What you need:
(measurements con go up or down depending on how much you want)

2 cups Whole or 2% milk
1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice


Sauce pan
Thermometer (can be candy or meat)
Cheesecloth, cotton t-shirt piece (preferably white. Who wants green cheese?), or a washcloth


Cookie sheet with raised edges
heavy object with flat bottom (5-10 lbs)

Step 2: Curds and Whey

Put the milk in your saucepan and heat it on medium low (any higher will make the milk stick to the pan) to between 170°F - 190°F

When the milk reaches the right temperature, turn off heat add the lemon juice 1 teaspoon at a time and stir until curds (lumps of fat) form. Remove from that burner.

Let mixture cool to a temperature that you can handle. Separate the curds from the whey by pouring the mixture through the strainer. Dump the curds onto the cloth. Take the four corners in one hand and use the other to twist it until most of the whey (liquid drained from the curds) is out of the curds.

Break up and salt (if you want a block, look at next step. DO NOT BREAKUP!)

Step 3: Optional: Press and Block

Take your cloth with curds and fold in thirds. Place on baking sheet. Place your heavy object (5-10 lbs) on top for about 15-30 minutes. (I used a cast iron skillet.)

Step 4: More Uses

Use as cheese for Italian pasta dishes

Break up and deep fry in homemade batter

Crumble on salad

Comment on your uses!