Introduction: Homemade Wooden Bicycle Stand With Dual Mounting
Recently, I decided to make a bike stand mainly for the purpose of tuning gears and derailleurs. I was tired of turning over the bike to fix the gearing because of two problems: 1) You have to get on all fours to turn the wheel and 2) it's hard to work on an upside-down bike. Thus, I created a bike stand to fix my bike without all of the hassles. The frame is all wood, no metal needed. I alternated between regular Phillips head screws and nails when securing the frame and supports. The dimensions are 3' x 3' x 4.5' (just tall enough so I can sit in a chair to crank the pedals). With this bike stand, I can fix bikes with ease. Now all I need are some cup holders.
Step 1: Materials
All the materials you need to complete this project include:
- Lumber (2' x 4')
- Ply wood
- Screwdrivers and screws
- Circular saw
- Nail gun
- Speed square
- Tape measure
- Level
- Wood glue
- Bungee cord (for stability) and two eye screws
- Wood Clasp (for mount)
- *Pencil*
Step 2: Getting Started
To start this project, I would advise you to work on a level surface so your base will NOT be skewed to either side. Furthermore, eye protection is strongly recommended for this project. Time to get started. Measure off four pieces of wood at 3' per piece. Join the pieces together so that that two sides are recessed in the square. Add a fifth piece (roughly 3.5-4') onto the outside of one of the recessed ends. (See picture for layout) Afterwards, add two pieces of wood into the narrow groove that will extend from the base roughly 4.5' upwards (the back of the stand). At the top of the wood , join another two pieces of wood that will jut outwards 3-4' and hold the bike itself (the arms of the stand). To finish off the base, The base of the stand is now complete.
Step 3: Adding Support
In order to stabilize the stand, you will need to create braces and gussets. I used to diagonal braces to keep the weight of the bike resting on the vertical slats of wood. Gussets will be used to further support the rack itself from snapping off at the joints. I suggest using both screws and nails for the gussets and only using screws for the braces. Keep in mind, the braces should not extend past the midpoint of the arms. Next, brace the back of the stand with a piece of ply wood, in an effort to maintain the structures rigidity. You have now supported the stand.
Step 4: Mounts
For this project, there are two mounting systems: the seat mount and the frame mount. The easier of the two is the frame mount since all the hard work is already done. Simply cut one groove in both arms of the stand about a foot from the out most point. Voila! Part 1 is complete. Now to make the seat mount. This is where the wood clamp will come in handy. Shut the clamp all of the way and cut a hole in the clamp (large enough for a bike seat). Next, place and join two pieces of wood in the space between the arms, rather close to the out most point. Place the clamp on top of the brace you just made and proceed to bolt the clamp (only bolt one side of the clamp) to the brace. ONly one more step...
Step 5: Finished Product
CELEBRATE! You have just built a homemade bike stand! Now YOU can work on a bike with ease.