Introduction: Homemade Clay Refrigerator - BEING ECOFRIENDLY !
Hi, I am Sahas Chitlange , aging 14 , from India . Here's my new innovation on fridge from clay. Its very easy and cheap to build and very cheap. In india the cost is about Rs. 300 only. The project's principle is based on evaporation. you can take this system for camping where you need a fridge to keep your cokes cool. The materials required for making this easy fridge are:
1) Clay pots
2) some sand
3) water
For the first time to get the cooling effect you need to wait for 10-12 hrs. The thing you need to remember is adding water after a day.
Snapchat and Instagram: @chitlangesahas
I'd love to connect with you guys on Snapchat and Instagram, I document the experience, learning lessons and also answer questions on those platforms. Looking forward to connect! Here is my username for both: @chitlangesahas
Step 1: Chose Correct Pots
Step 2: Adding Sand
Step 3: Insert the Smaller Pot
Also see that you have some gap left on the sides , you need to add sand there later.