Introduction: Homemade Nunchucks
Ok, so I had some extra pieces of bamboo sitting around and wasting space. And I needed something to make. I got my idea from a friends halloween costume, he's is being a ninja but didn't have nunchucks, so I made him some.
Step 1: Materials
For this one you will need,
1) Bamboo, 5-6 inches long each
2) Hot Glue gun
3) Paracord or chain. I had some that was stitched funny.
4) Scissors and a hacksaw, cloth and tape
1) Bamboo, 5-6 inches long each
2) Hot Glue gun
3) Paracord or chain. I had some that was stitched funny.
4) Scissors and a hacksaw, cloth and tape
Step 2: Prepping the Cord
Take your cord and put about 8 inches of cloth in a loop at the end of the cord. After that thread it through the handles.
Step 3: Assembling the Handles
Now take the string and the handles. Thread the ends into the handle and pull it to the end. Do that for both ends. Once you do that glue the end and tuck it in. Then glue the bottom too. Do both sides
Step 4: Finishing Up
Now you just have to put on some grip and tape it up. You dont have to have grip but can if you want to.