Introduction: Homemade Pc Steering Wheel
You will need some basic electronics skills to make a homemade pc steering wheel.
The wheel is easy to build to your own specs for example the ratio at witch you physical steering wheel turns and the wheel on the game turns can be changed and the amount of buttons on you dash and what they do can also be changed.
Included in the instructions is how to make a set of pedals for throttle and brake to.
link to video:
The wheel is easy to build to your own specs for example the ratio at witch you physical steering wheel turns and the wheel on the game turns can be changed and the amount of buttons on you dash and what they do can also be changed.
Included in the instructions is how to make a set of pedals for throttle and brake to.
link to video:
Step 1: Materiel's and Tools
You will need basic tools listed below
Soldering iron
hand drill
drill press (if available)
paddle drills
drill wood drill bits
steel rule
tape measure
wood saw
screw drivers
side cutters
wire strippers
hacksaw or grinder
socket set and ratchet
The materiel's you will need are listed below
M6 threaded bar 300mm
M6 locknuts
2x bearings with M6 id
1x wii steering wheel
1x 10mm miniature pully ( for 3mm round belt )
1x 30mm miniature pully ( for 3mm round belt ) - this pully can be changed up or down in size depending on the steering ratio you want
1x 75mm round 3mm belt
6mm plywood 2 foot by 4 foot
20mm x 20mm batton 300mm
15mm pine plank 350mm
20mm x 40mm batton 400mm
self tapping wood screws
10-15 meters of cable or thin wire
heat shrink
usb pc games controller with joysticks ( must be or have analog mode )
1x 10k linear Potentiometers
1x 10k linear sliding Potentiometer
1x large red ptm button
2x small ptm buttons ( add as many as you like as long as your usb controller has enough functions )
1x dpdt toggle switch
8x red crimp connectors
1x NO micro switch
2x small hinges
1x small 90 degree bracket
200mm of metal strapping band
1x sliding pot nob
Soldering iron
hand drill
drill press (if available)
paddle drills
drill wood drill bits
steel rule
tape measure
wood saw
screw drivers
side cutters
wire strippers
hacksaw or grinder
socket set and ratchet
The materiel's you will need are listed below
M6 threaded bar 300mm
M6 locknuts
2x bearings with M6 id
1x wii steering wheel
1x 10mm miniature pully ( for 3mm round belt )
1x 30mm miniature pully ( for 3mm round belt ) - this pully can be changed up or down in size depending on the steering ratio you want
1x 75mm round 3mm belt
6mm plywood 2 foot by 4 foot
20mm x 20mm batton 300mm
15mm pine plank 350mm
20mm x 40mm batton 400mm
self tapping wood screws
10-15 meters of cable or thin wire
heat shrink
usb pc games controller with joysticks ( must be or have analog mode )
1x 10k linear Potentiometers
1x 10k linear sliding Potentiometer
1x large red ptm button
2x small ptm buttons ( add as many as you like as long as your usb controller has enough functions )
1x dpdt toggle switch
8x red crimp connectors
1x NO micro switch
2x small hinges
1x small 90 degree bracket
200mm of metal strapping band
1x sliding pot nob
Step 2: Making the Bearing Blocks
To hold the bearing that the threaded rod will go through you will need to use the 20 x 40mm baton.
Start by cutting 2 peaces of baton 50mm long or longer if you want a larger angle on your wheel
Start by cutting 2 peaces of baton 50mm long or longer if you want a larger angle on your wheel
Step 3: Making the Bearing Blocks
Drill 19mm holes at the top of the block as deep as your bearing is
Step 4: Making Bearing Blocks
Then drill through the center of you flat holes with a 6mm drill bit and insert bearing
Step 5: Making Bearing Blocks
now cut a 10 degree angle ( or more depends on what angle you want you steering wheel to be at ) in the wooden blocks
Step 6: Cutting Base
now cut a piece 20mm pine plank to approx 300mm long to use as the base of your steering wheel
Step 7: Cutting the Threaded Bar
cut the threaded bar to length
remember to leave a nut on the bar so when are finished cutting the bar it rethreads it
remember to leave a nut on the bar so when are finished cutting the bar it rethreads it
Step 8: Mounting Bearing Blocks to Base
drill pilot holes in bearing blocks and screw them to the base board
Step 9: Mark Out and Drill Center of Wheel
use a steel rule and scribe to mark the center of your wheel and drill it
Step 10: Mount Wheel to Threaded Rod
thread a nut on to stop the bar slipping through the bearing any more then thread another one on backwards to support the wheel
a ratcheting spanner can be a life save at this point
a ratcheting spanner can be a life save at this point
Step 11: Drill Out the 10mm Pully
drill out the 10mm pully to 6mm and thread onto the bar then secure with lock nuts
Step 12: Mount the Pot
drill out the small bracket and mount the pot in it
Step 13: Mount the Pot
cut a piece of 20 x 20mm batton 150mm long and screw the bracket with pot mounted into the end push the 40mm pully onto the pot shaft then place the 75mm round belt over both pullys and screw batton into base board when belt is tight
If you want a different steering ratio then you will need to swap the 40mm pully for either a larger or smaller one
If you want a different steering ratio then you will need to swap the 40mm pully for either a larger or smaller one
Step 14: Making the Dash
cut 2 pieces of 20mm x 40mm baton with a 10 degree angle on one side around 6 inches tall
Step 15: Making the Dash
now screw the 2 pieces of baton flush with the front of the base board
Step 16: Making the Dash
Now cut a piece of 6mm ply approx 12 inches long and 6 inches tall drill a 8mm hole in the center and screw to the baton that has been fixed to the base of your steering wheel
Step 17: Mount Your Switches
drill the correct size holes in your dash for your switches and insert them
Step 18: Cutting Base for Pedals
start out by cutting a piece of 6mm ply wood to your desired size
Step 19: Cutting Pedals and Mounting Hinges
now cut 2 pieces of 6mm ply the size of foot pedal you want and screw hinges onto the bottom of them
Step 20: Mounting Pedals to Base Board
screw the pedals to your base sheet of ply leaving approx 2 inches space from the back of the pedals to the back of the base board
Step 21: Mounting Micro Switch Below Pedal
screw your micro switch to small block of baton and screw the baton under your brake pedal so when the pedal is pressed the micro switch is pushed
Step 22: Mounting the Sliding Pot
cut a peice of 20mm x 40mm baton and use some strapping band to mount the pot along side it
you will also need to screw a piece of band at the halfway point of your pot to stop it sliding all the way up
you will also need to screw a piece of band at the halfway point of your pot to stop it sliding all the way up
Step 23: Mounting the Sliding Pot
now screw the baton with the pot mounted to it so that the knob sits under the pedal use an elastic band going round the pot knob and round a screw at the top of your baton to spring the throttle
Step 24: Just the Electronics to Go Now
once you have completed all the steps before this one your wheel and pedlas should function well your wheel should rotate smoothly and freely and turn the pot easily
your pedals should feel smooth and return back to there original positions after they have been pressed
your pedals should feel smooth and return back to there original positions after they have been pressed
Step 25: Wiring
take apart your controller and cut off the vibrating motors with weights on them then remove all pcbs from he controller casing
each joystick will consist of 2 pots to control the left and right forwards and backwards these will be soldered to your pcb
first find out witch pots control the forwards and backwards left and right movement in your game by plugging the controller into your pc moving each joystick during the game mark up these 2 pots and remove your controller from your pc
each joystick will consist of 2 pots to control the left and right forwards and backwards these will be soldered to your pcb
first find out witch pots control the forwards and backwards left and right movement in your game by plugging the controller into your pc moving each joystick during the game mark up these 2 pots and remove your controller from your pc
Step 26: Wiring the Wheel 1
solder 3 wires from the pot on your steering wheel marking the center pin with a black wire and the other two with red wires bring these pack to your pcb where you should solder the black wire to the center pin of your steering pot legs going through the pcb and the other 2 wires on any of the other 2 pins ( if you find your steering is not in the correct direction then simply swap the red wires )
Step 27: Wiring the Wheel Part 2
find the rear buttons of your controller ( R1 R2 L1 L2 ) and locate the solder joints on the pcb you will then need to solder two wires from each ptm switch onto the common solder join ( normally the center one ) of your pcb and then solder each other wire to the other 2 contacts on the pcb ( only 2 ptm switches can be soldered per set or rear buttons ) you may use the other contacts on the pcb to add as many aux buttons as you wish just remember to leave one out for your brake
you should now check that there are no short circuits in your wiring and plug the controller into you pc go into the game controllers settings and check that when you turn the wheel the x moves and when you press your connected dash buttons the appropriate indicator lights up if all is well then disconnect for the pc and move on next step
you should now check that there are no short circuits in your wiring and plug the controller into you pc go into the game controllers settings and check that when you turn the wheel the x moves and when you press your connected dash buttons the appropriate indicator lights up if all is well then disconnect for the pc and move on next step
Step 28: Wiring the Pedals 1
you will need to start off by taking two wires straight from the brake pedal and soldering it to a spare contact on the pcb ( shown in last step ) once you are in your game you should be able to map this button as brake
you may wont to put crimp connectors on your wires going from your pedals to your wheel alloting you to pass the wires through a hole or behind your desk
you may wont to put crimp connectors on your wires going from your pedals to your wheel alloting you to pass the wires through a hole or behind your desk
Step 29: Wiring the Pedals 2
now find the common on your sliding pot i found mine to be labeled 2 and solder one wire to that pin then solder another 2 wires to the other contacts you will then need to bring the two wires witch are not connected to the common back up to the dpdt switch and solder them according to the diagram below the common wire should be taken straight back to the pcb and soldered to the center leg of your pcb mounted pot
once you have soldered your dpdt switch you should take the 2 new wires and solder them to the 2 spare terminals of your pcb mounted pot the toggle switch will then act as your forwards or reverse selector switch
once you have soldered your dpdt switch you should take the 2 new wires and solder them to the 2 spare terminals of your pcb mounted pot the toggle switch will then act as your forwards or reverse selector switch
Step 30: Finished
you have completed all the steps you should check for shorts in your work and plug it into you pc and once again bring up the game controller check that when you push the pedal the x moves the x should also move in the other direction when the dpth switch is thrown check all your aux buttons are working
go into your game and map all the keys and axis correctly and enjoy
Link to you tube video:
go into your game and map all the keys and axis correctly and enjoy
Link to you tube video:
Step 31: Notes
I designed this wheel for farming simulator 2013 so this design will not be suitable for every game however you can change it to your specs
The controller you buy MUST be analogue or have an analogue function if it does not then your wheel and throttle will be just like playing on a keyboard you will get full throttle or no throttle and the same with steering
The better quality pots you use the better result you will get i used fairly cheap commercial grade pots however there is a dead zone in them from around 0 degrees to 3 degrees making it hard yo make small adjustments a more expensive pot may not have this problem
the brake does not work in farming simulator however i have not found that i dont need it
The controller you buy MUST be analogue or have an analogue function if it does not then your wheel and throttle will be just like playing on a keyboard you will get full throttle or no throttle and the same with steering
The better quality pots you use the better result you will get i used fairly cheap commercial grade pots however there is a dead zone in them from around 0 degrees to 3 degrees making it hard yo make small adjustments a more expensive pot may not have this problem
the brake does not work in farming simulator however i have not found that i dont need it