Introduction: Homemade Water Sprinkler
Wondering what to do with your leftover marshmallow shooters? Turn them into a water sprinkler for the kids.
Step 1: Get Your Parts
You will be needing some PVC pipes, connectors and elbows, PVC cement and a connector to the garden hose. Your tools you will need is a drill with a small bit (1/8 to 1/16 inch), and pliers.
Step 2: Design Your System
Using your creativity, and your kids suggestions, come up with a layout for your sprinkler.
If you want many spouts of water, use smaller holes (1/16 inch). If you want just a few spouts, use larger holes (1/8).
I suggest to glue the parts together first before drilling the holes. Trying to keep the holes aligned while gluing it back together was tricky.
If you want many spouts of water, use smaller holes (1/16 inch). If you want just a few spouts, use larger holes (1/8).
I suggest to glue the parts together first before drilling the holes. Trying to keep the holes aligned while gluing it back together was tricky.