Introduction: Honda CB450DX-K Custom Dashboard - Made From a Cotton Bud Jar.
I'm customising a 1989 Honda CB450DX-K. When it came to the speedo and rev counter, I couldn't find a suitable dashboard, so I made one out a stainless steel cotton bud jar.
Step 1: Stainless Steel Cotton Bud Jar.
Literally swiped it from the bathroom (nothing is sacred or safe at such times). The qualities and measurements were perfect. Pictured with the LEDs;- oil pressure (red), high beam (blue), neutral (green) and two orange for indicators.
Step 2: Cutting Down to Size.
Just a trim to bring it level with the speedo and tacho.
Step 3: Shaping.
Enter the generic rotary tool. Carefully does it - there is one more of these in the house but I can't find a source for the exact same thing to fall back on. I drilled a 2mm hole in the edge of the cap, to take a self-tapping screw, into the main body. Buffed and polished.
Step 4: Fit LEDs Into Cap.
Fitted the (waterproof) lights.
Step 5: Happy With That.