Introduction: Honey Glaised Beef Jerky
Honey, Brown sugar, Teriyaki is my favorite. But you can use the flavors you like.
Step 1: Marinade the Meat
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup teriyaki marinade
1 jar honey
1 English roast (ask your butcher to slice it for you) If you slice it yourself, put it in the freezer for 20 minutes to help firm it up for easier cutting. Trim off all the fat. Dissolve the sugar in the terriyaki marinade.
Step 2: Soak in the Fridge Over Night.
Add the meat slices and put in the fridge for at least 8 hours. I leave it over night.
Step 3: Put on the Trays and Drizzle With Honey
If you have a dehydrator, put the meat on the trays. If not, you can do it in the oven.
Heat up the honey, 20 seconds in the microwave should do it. Be careful, don't melt the bottle.
Drizzle honey on each piece. Tilt trays in the sink a while to let the excess run off.
Step 4: Put in the Dehydrator or Oven
Set your dehydrator on the highest setting.
In the oven, used the lowest setting. Prop the door open with a wooden spoon or something so it doesn't get too hot. Test small pieces for done-ness after 4 hours. Try not to test so much that there is none left when it is all done. Again TRY!