Introduction: Honey Glazed Yogurt Kebab

About: A Software Engineer. I love learning new things. Hooked up with Instructables. It is the biggest find I ever made. :D Cooking and Crochet are my passion. I love to learn different techniques and cuisines.

Kebabs are an all time favorite in many parts of the world.

To give a brief description of what is Kebab I have taken reference from the Wikipedia. Kebab is basically any type of meat or vegetables roasted or grilled on a skewer. It was first originated in the Middle Eastern countries.

Now, How about a Kebab with yoghurt? Yes, you can make a kebab with yoghurt. The Kebab I present here is made out of the Hung Curd which is obtained from Yogurt. I have then grilled to get the smoky flavor. I have used a fusion spice in this recipe, bringing in cardamom and Oregano. The Kebab is glazed with honey which gives the exotic flavor to it.

Step 1: Prepare the Materials

Serves 4


Yogurt – ¾ cup

Garbanzo bean flour/ Chickpea flour/ Besan (or) Corn Flour – 1/4 Cup (Little less or more till a dough is formed)

Red Chilli Flakes – 1 Tsp


Oregano – 2 Tsp

Tomato Sauce – 2 Tbsp

Salt (as required)

Garlic Sliced - 1 Tsp

Ginger - 1/2 Tsp (optional)

Honey Glaze:

Honey – ¼ Cup

Cardamom Powder – ½ Tsp

Tools Required:

Grill Plate


Hand Gloves

Step 2: Prepare Hung Curd

To prepare the Hung curd, Take the yogurt in a muslin cloth and tie it tightly.

Let it hang on a tap or so for 2 hours or even over night.

Let the water drain from the Yogurt and you get the hung Curd.

Step 3: Form the Dough

To the hung curd add Gram Flour, Red Chilli Flakes, Oregano, Garlic sliced and onions and salt.

Mix them thoroughly to form dough.

Keep adding the Gram flour till it can hold the shape of kebab.

Step 4: Honey Glaze

Prepare the Honey glaze by mixing honey and cardamom together.

Step 5: ​Make the Kebab

From the dough take a small portion and flatten it out into a the kebab shape with your hands.

Then with a brush smear the kebab with the Honey glaze on both the sides.

Step 6: Grill

Preheat the grill at a high temperature of almost 250 degree Celsius. Smear the grill with oil.

Place the Honey glazed Kebabs on the grill Rack.

Place them perpendicular to the rack lines, so that the lines after grilling can be clearly visible.

Grill the Kebabs on both sides. Grill till golden brown on one side or for 4-5 minutes.

Flip over and grill the other side.

Step 7: It's Ready

Remove the kebabs from the grill and Place it on the serving plate.

Pour some more Honey glaze over the kebab.

The kebab can be served with tomato Ketchup which is the best combination to have with it.