Introduction: Honeybee in Response to Colony Collapse Disorder
This instructable provides the necessary steps and materials to design and 3D print an object that communicates the threat of colony collapse disorder. The design will be a honey bee carrying a globe in its legs. Completing this instructable will take about an hour but can vary depending on your skill level. To make this design, some components are created separately and then combined post production. Users of this instructable are expected to be familiar with the 123D Design software. Users should know the basic tools of 123D Design and should be capable of learning how to use more advanced tools. It is preferred but not essential that users have some experience with 3D printing. To successfully follow this instructable, the following materials are needed:
-3D printer
-123D design software
-Glue (preferably super glue, but hot glue will work)
-Post production tools may be helpful (for removing excess/support filament) but are not necessary.
This design is broken into two parts: designing the bee and designing the globe. Following the steps correctly will result in the production of a 3D printed honey bee and globe.
Table of Contents for Designing the Bee
1. How To Begin Designing the Honey Bee
2. The Bee Head
3. The Bee Body
4. The Legs
5. The Stinger
6. The Wings
7. Combine the Parts
8. Splitting the Bee
Table of Contents for Designing the Globe
1. How To Begin Designing the Globe
2. The Globe
3. The Continents
4. Splitting the Globe
5. Hollowing the Globe
Note: It is important to save often while using 123D Design. It is not unusual for the program to crash.
Step 1: How to Begin Designing the Honey Bee
1. Open 123D
2. Create new project
Step 2: The Bee Head
1. Create a sphere object with radius 12.5 mm. This will be the head.
2. Create a torus, major radius set to 7.5 mm and minor radius of 2 mm, then smart scale it so it is 12.5 mm long and 12.5 mm wide.
3. Create a box and move the box so a little more than half of the torus is in the box (what is not in the box will be the mouth of the bee). (See top photo)
4. Use the subtract tool and select the torus as the target body and the box as the source and then hit enter.
5. Create two spheres with radius 2.0 mm these will be the eyes.
6. Make a polyline that is candy cane shaped. This will be the antenna.
7. Watch this tutorial if you do not know how to use the sweep tool.
8. Make a circle with the radius about 3.0 mm.
9. Use the sweep tool to make a 3D antenna. (See bottom left photo)
10. Submerge the eyes and the mouth on to the head about half way and move them around until you get them where you want them. For the eyes, it is recommended to use the align tool to make sure that they are even. (See bottom middle photo)
11. You can either have eyes and mouth that come off the face or that are removed from the face (indented). If you want them then nothing else needs to be done. If you want that area removed, use the subtract tool and make the face the target body and the eyes and mouth the source. (See bottom right photo)
12. Move the antenna so it is in the top left/right of the head and rotated forward and most of the antenna is out of the head.
Step 3: The Bee Body
1. Create the body by creating a sphere object and smart scale the object so it has a width of 21.0 mm, length of 33.5 mm, and height of 22.5 mm. (See photo above)
Step 4: The Legs
1. To make the legs use the polyline and sketch out the legs.
-Use 20.0 mm down and 11.18 mm at 63.4 degrees.
2. Make a circle with a radius of 5.0 mm. (See top photo)
3. Sweep the polyline to create legs. (See bottom photo)
-Copy and paste the leg so there is either two or three. Two is easier to glue but three will make it anatomically correct
Step 5: The Stinger
1. Make a cone that has radius 10.0 mm and height 40.0 mm. This is the stinger.
Step 6: The Wings
1. Use the polyline tool to sketch a tombstone design that will be the wing.
-15.0 mm base and height
2. Extrude the object about 40.0 mm (See top photo)
3. Then add the text, make each line slightly smaller (except for the last 2) and center the text.
-Optional: Javanese font
-Note: some fonts will not work
-RIP - height about 70 mm
-2016, or whatever year it is
4. Use the extrude tool on all the text and extrude it through the object so it is all removed completely from the tombstone. (See the bottom photo)
5. Fillet the sides of the tombstone wings to make them look like wings/tombstones
Step 7: Combine the Parts
1. So with all these parts we will create the whole bee then split and mirror the bee to make a symmetrical bee.
-2 or 3 legs
-1 tombstone
-1 head with face
-1 body
2. Move the body so it is on the opposite side of the face and submerge it into the face just a little bit.
3. Do the same but to the stinger in the body and make it as long as you want. (See photo above)
4. Add the legs to one side of the bee make the from leg the shorter and the back.
-Make the back one/two longer legs the same length
-Recommend using the align tool
5. Now add the tombstone wings. Place it about halfway down the body and slightly into the body of the bee. Tilt the tombstone so it is at an outward angle.
6. Then select all the pieces and group them together and add them together
Step 8: Splitting the Bee
1. Make a cube.
2. Set the dimensions so it is longer than the entire bee, and taller than the bee, and super skinny.
3. Move the cube so it is in the middle of the bee.
4. Use the split body tool with the bee as the body to split and the cube as the splitting entity.
5. Then delete the cube and the side of the bee that do not have the wings and legs.
6. We will use the mirror tool to create a symmetrical other half to the bee, set the entire bee as the solid and the flat face, used to be the center of the bee.
7. Group them together and add them so you have the entire bee as one.
OPTIONAL: You can then use the scale tool to make the bee larger or smaller if you would like.
Step 9: How to Begin Designing the Globe
1. Open 123D
2. Create new project
Step 10: The Globe
1. Make a Globe like figure (sphere)
-Make the radius 25.0 mm
(See photo above)
Step 11: The Continents
1. Sketch Shapes that Look Similar to Landmasses
-Optional: make shapes that resemble the actual geography of a globe
2. Attach shapes previously sketched to the globe
3. Extrude shapes to stick out of the globe
4. Combine to make one solid
(See photo above)
Step 12: Splitting the Globe
1. Split Globe in half
2. Create a cube large enough to cover one-half of the globe
3. Put the cube covering half of the globe to be split (See top photo)
4. Using the subtract tool, subtract the half of the globe from the cube it is in
5. There should be half of a globe left afterward (See bottom photo)
Step 13: Hollowing the Globe
1. Hollow Out Globe
2. Use shell feature in 123D design and hollow out globe to desired thickness (this is not necessary, but helps save materials)
(See photo above)
Step 14: Step 14: Post Production
Once all the parts for the bee are fully printed, it is time to glue it together.
1. To do this take your glue (preferably super glue) and glue the two globe pieces together.
2. Then glue the two bee pieces together.
- A little glue can go a long way.
3. Now let the glue dry by waiting a couple of minutes.
4. Decide where on the globe you want to place the bee and see how many of the legs you can get to be touching the globe, the more feet that touch the more stable the bee will be.
5. Now carefully apply glue to the bee's feet that can touch the globe.
6. Apply the bee to the globe in the desired location.
7. Optional: If the bee seems to be loose, apply more glue around the bees feet.