Introduction: Horse Drawing
Step 1: Gather
Gather your supplies. 1. Paper 2. Pencil 3. Eraser
Step 2: Neck
To make the neck, draw a kind of curved line curved just enough to make the crest of the neck.
Step 3: Head, Chest, and Back
Make one ear. Draw a line slanted. Draw a small line straight down. Then make a slanted line again with a little bump on the end. Come down and make the mouth and the chin. Then go up and curve to make a half circle. Make the bottom part of the neck and a bulging spot at the bottom. Go back to the top and make the back.
Step 4: Front Leg
On the chest part, make a line go down as far as you want it. Go and make the hoof. Bring a line up and getting bigger all the time.
Step 5: Belly and Start of Hind Leg
Make a curved line for the belly. Make sure your horse is not to fat. Lift your pencil and make a slanted line at the end of the belly.
Step 6: Back Legs
Do the same thing you did with your front leg. Now kind of do the same thing but skinnier because part of the leg is behind the other one. And also Finnish the buttocks.
Step 7: Other Front Leg
Now go halfway down the front leg and make a slanted line. Make your hoof and another slanted line going up.
Step 8: Tail
Go halfway down the buttocks. Add your tail. It should de a long tail.
Step 9: Mane and Head Detail
Make your mane and other ear. Add the inside of the ear. Make the eye nose and the line on its face.
Step 10: Neck Line
Now make a little line on the neck.
Step 11: Detail
Make a line on the back leg and buttocks. Add the ribs.
Step 12: Finished Drawing
There. Now it is finished. You can do whatever you want with it now.