Introduction: Horseshoe Cord Holder

This horseshoe cord holder provides a simple but sturdy hook that can be used to hang many things.

A bent piece of metal welded across the hook will make a cord holder that will not kink the cord.

Step 1: Materials

One used horseshoe

3x8x1/8" steel

Step 2: Preparing the Horseshoe

Drill ¼" holes through one end of the horseshoe.

Step 3: Bending the Horseshoe

Clamp the middle horseshoe in a vice so that it is sideways

Bend the part of the horseshoe that faces up to 90 degrees.

Step 4: Spreading and Welding the Cord Holder

Open the bent section so that the sheet metal will fit between the two arms, then bend the steel plate into a ½ circle. Weld the curved section into the horseshoe and hang the horseshoe.

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