Introduction: Hot Wheels Display Board

About: Retired "Fire Medic", Wife, Mother, witch and just all around fun loving person.
I made this for my hubby, he collects Hot Wheels and they have gotten out of control. It doesn't take long and was fun to make.
Materials needed: A board plywood,OBS, hardboard. Caps and Dividers from Home Depot (Scu# Cap 070673863561-Divider 070673858864) I don't know what these are used for but I was roaming Home Depot and found these and I said "Self you can use these for something." Tape rule, couldn't find mine so I used my sewing and knitting gauge, markers,clamps, coping saw, Elmer's wood glue and tin snips i borrowed from my hubbies toolbox.  And a hot wheel car.

Measure your board. Cut  and dry fit the "cap/edge" around the edges of your board.. Glue and clamp down, let dry.
Measure the width of your Hot Wheel car and mark off lines where the Dividers will go. My was 31/4 " edge to edge/46/8 ridge to ridge.
Cut the divider pieces with the tin snips and use the coping saw to cut down the little separator so it will slide over the bottom edge.

Glue, clamp and let dry.  Decorate as you will.

Slide the Hot wheel cars into the slots and enjoy.