Introduction: Houseplant Miniature From Paper

In this instructable, I am going to show you how I made indoor plant miniatures from paper. The plants that I made were Sansevieria stuckyi, Begonia maculata, and Caladium. This project would be perfect for your miniature dollhouse, more than that, you can give it to your beloved "plant mom". They would be happy!


Step 1: Sansevieria Stuckyi

The plant

First thing first I draw some random light green lines using Sakura Souffle on dark green paper. Then cut them into triangle shapes. Make a cone from the triangle, I used my tweezers to help me roll the triangle to make a cone. Secure the cone with a little bit of glue.

The pot

I used this technique so many times to make a ring coil. I used a 1 cm width paper strip and also a Sakura Souffle pen to help me make the coil. I simply rolled my strip around my pen, adding a little glue to the beginning end to keep it still. Then roll the paper (I rolled up to 3 layers of paper so that the pot look thicker than the actual thickness of the paper). Glue to secure the paper when you reach the end of the strip. The ring is complete. Remove gently from the pen. I cut some thin strips from the white paper strip and then glue them down on the pot to add more detail. Cut a circle for the base of the pot.

The plant stand (mid-century style)

I rolled a 0.7 cm dark brown paper strip to make the legs of the plant stand. Before gluing the legs to the pot, I made a marker so that the leg will stick to the pot at the same height. The marker that I used was a 0.5 paper strip (see the picture). You can use another method to make sure the leg are at the same level. Then glue the legs on every 4 sides of the pot. After that, I cut a 0.3 cm width paper strip and glue them on the base of the pot, to make the X mark between the leg.


Now I have the plant and the pot. Before I put the plant in the pot, I crumple some tiny pieces of paper, that I used as the base/soil for planting. Put it in the pot, then apply some glue to it, after that I glue the plant to the paper base. Done!

Step 2: Begonia Maculata

The plant

I cut the dark green paper into the shape of begonia's leaf. Then add some white spots on the leaves using the white marker. I rolled a paper strip to make the stalk, Then glue the stalk to the leaf. After the leaves and the stalks are ready, arrange them. Then I tied them using sewing thread before adding some glue to them.

The pot

The pot was made using the same technique as before: ring coil.


After the pot was ready, I rolled a 0.3 cm width paper strip around the lower part of the plant, to make the plant stay in place in the pot. Then glue the plant inside the pot.

Step 3: Caladium

The pot

This time, I used the tight coil technique to make the pot. I used a 0.3 cm width and 44 cm long paper strip, then rolled it using my fingertip to make a tight coil. secure the coil at the end of the strip. I used my pinky finger to mold the tight coil to make a dome. Make sure the peak of the dome is flat so that the pot can stand. Secure the shape of the pot by adding some glue inside the pot. Spread the glue and wait till dry

The plant

While waiting for the pot to dry, prepare the plant. This time I used a 0.5 cm width paper strip in magenta color (you can use pink too) and then cut the strip into heart-shaped leaves (to make it easier, I fold the strip in half, then draw a half-heart shape along the folded edge of the paper. Then cut the heart out). Bend those leaves to make them a little bit curvy. Cut some tiny strips to make stalks, then glue them behind the heart-shaped leaves.

Arrange the stalk and glue them to another one by one.


After the pot and the plant were ready, I rolled a 0.3 cm width paper strip around the lower part of the plant (just like before) to help the plant stand inside the pot. Then glue them inside the pot.

Step 4: Finish Line

Now you have three miniature plants on your palm. I decided to place my miniature plants inside a dome. I think I am gonna use it as my desk decoration.

Or should I sell this piece? :D

Thank you for reading this instructable to the end. If you have any question, please don't hesitate to write in the comment or contact me through my instagram @quinzyvarira. I will also upload some footages of the process in my instagram account.

I would love it if you wanted to support my projects, please consider helping me to cover the cost of designing, documenting and sharing these projects on

See you in the next instructable! 😁

Quinzy Varira | Instagram | TikTok

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