Introduction: How to Brand Cattle
Branding cattle is a practical and cost effective way to identify your cattle. A recognizable, registered brand keeps cattle proving its ownership.
Step 1: Brand Designing
Design the brand that you want to use on your cattle. Types of identification brands can include logos, letters and numbers . You may use all three .
Step 2: Availability Checking
Check availability of your brand. If your brand is not in use by someone else, you can then register it with the state.
Step 3: Methods
These include freeze branding, electric branding, and the traditional fire branding.
Step 4: Appropriate Temperatures
Heat or freeze the branding iron, depending on your preferred method. If using a heat source make sure the iron is not too hot. The iron should be an ash gray color, not bright red.
Step 5: Staying in Place
Hold the cattle to avoid any sudden movements when the branding iron is applied. This can be done using shoots.
Step 6: Applying It
Finally apply the brand to the cattle in a rolling motion for no more than five seconds. Firm pressure should be applied to the iron to ensure a recognizable brand.
Step 7: Tips
Avoid branding wet cattle as this could cause scaling and an unrecognizable brand.