Introduction: How to Create Mayan Masks

About: Integrantes: • Juan José Alvarado • Antonio Cabrera • Luis Velíz • Stephan Fritzsche ----B3A----
Before we start you should now a little about the Mayan Masks.
The mask has deep meanings all related to the dichotomy of man and cosmos in which the first is an active figure in the creation of the second , is then an extension of the face mask that allowed carrying who acquire the character or attributes of the entity represented .
In an effort to preserve the faces of its rulers , the Maya developed wooden masks that far from being mounted on a frame were directly placed on the face of the monarch , ie are not as appreciated today in museums , but I applied a thin layer to face stucco on which were placed the pieces of wood . All this to give a face to the King eternal and be recognized by the gods on his final journey .
Another aspect pointed out that its use was permissible in some ceremonies where actors or dancers avail themselves of them in certain ceremonies . The use and meaning of masks among the Maya is very far from that given on the continent where they served as a disguise to hide the true personality of the wearer , on the contrary sought to preserve for eternity the best face to stay in the eternal presence of the gods.

Step 1: Get the Materials to Create Your Mask

As Always You will need to get this materials to create your own Mask. And The Materials You Need Are:
-1 Hammer
-1 Piece of Wood(The Size Doesn't Matter)
-1 Sandy Machine
-1 Chinsel
-1 Knife

Step 2: Cutting the Wood

To Create Your Mask the Second Step you need to do is to Make a Cube of wood. After you make the cube you have to make the design of your mask. Use a marker in the wood to Create The Desing. Dont Make a design that is too complicated,remember you are a beginner and you don't have all the skill that is needed to create complicated masks. Try to make the desing that is in the Picture.

Step 3: Cutting the Desing of Your Mask

For This Step you will need your chisel your hammer and your knife. The First Thing you have to do is Use the hammer whit the chisel and begin whit the Base form of the mask. After You make that you will need to Use the hammer in the back part of the mask and make a space for your head. After That You have to use ur knife for the little details. After You do that you will have to use your sandy machine to remove the imperfections of the wood.

Step 4: The Funny Part! Paint the Mask

We Dont Have Too Much To Say In This Step. The Only recomendation for this step is that you have to use your imagination to paint this mask as you wish.After you make that, your mask is finished and you will be able to use it if you want to.