Introduction: How to Cut a Pineapple

I just bought a beautiful white organic pineapple at the health food store. They are so sweet and juicy.  I leaned to cut them by watching my Mom when I was a kid. I loved how they looked while she was carving away - almost like a sculpture. If you only ate pineapples out of a can, I hope this would encourage you to buy a whole fresh pineapple (preferably a Hawaiian pineapple- da best!) and feast away!

Step 1: Remove the Crown

Twist the crown off.

Step 2: ADDED Bonus - Growing a Pineapple From the Crown

After you twist the crown off, you can peel some of the leaves off and stick it in water.  After a few weeks, it will throw out roots.  When it looks like the picture, plant it in a pot and it will grow a pineapple plant. While living on the mainland, I did this and my plant actually grew a baby pineapple.  Because I live in a tropical climate, I will take my plants and put them in the ground, and hopefully it will fruit.

Step 3: You Need a SHARP Knife

You need a big sharp knife for this task.  Cut both ends off.

Step 4: Slice

Holding the pineapple upright, start slicing the sides of the pineapple to get rid of the tough outer skin and some of the "eyes".  Slice from top to bottom.

Step 5: Carving

Check out your pineapple now. It has these "eyes" that run diagonally that must be removed.  Take your sharp knife and cut wedges diagonally to get rid of the eyes. Work your wedges around the pineapple.  Keep rotating the pineapple until all the eyes are gone and it looks like a beautiful sculpture.

Step 6: Slice in Quarters

Set the pineapple upright and starting from the top working your way to the bottom, slice it in half.  Repeat so it is sliced in quarters.

Step 7: Cutting Out the Core

Holding one quarter of the pineapple, slice the hard core from top to bottom.  Discard the core.

Step 8: Slice Lengthwise

Slice the pineapple into nice long spears.

Step 9: Serve

Here's some sweet, juicy Hawaiian pineapple ready to eat.  ***Tip*** when eating the slices, start from top to bottom.  The fruit gets sweeter as you move to the bottom. If you don't know which the top or bottom is, the color goes from light (top) to darker (bottom). 

Step 10: Refrigerate

Store pineapple spears in the refrig.  They taste more wonderful cold. Aloha.