Introduction: How to Dress When Going Skiing
First time skiing or ever wondered what everyone is wearing on the slopes?
This is the right instructable for you if you ever asked those questions. Hats, gloves, scarves what is the best way to wear them. Prepare yourself for a wild and warm ride!
This is the right instructable for you if you ever asked those questions. Hats, gloves, scarves what is the best way to wear them. Prepare yourself for a wild and warm ride!
Step 1: Under Layers
Pick out warm layer such as under armour, sweaters, long johns, basically whatever you can find.
Put those layers on and insure that they are comfortable to move and bend in.
Put those layers on and insure that they are comfortable to move and bend in.
Step 2: Jackets and Snowpants
Find your warmest winter jacket and snow pants and proceed to put those on. Make sure, once again they are comfortable and easy to bend in.
At most ski hills you will see people wearing crazy jackets and outfits to "stand out" and unless you wish to be like them don't worry too much about your attire. Besides dressing cool is only one part to skiing you also have to bring your fresh moves.
At most ski hills you will see people wearing crazy jackets and outfits to "stand out" and unless you wish to be like them don't worry too much about your attire. Besides dressing cool is only one part to skiing you also have to bring your fresh moves.
Step 3: Toasty Tootsies
Put on a pair of warm socks and put on your ski boots. Lock and tighten all the bindings on your boots so you cannot move your ankles in them or you could potentially hurt yourself when skiing.
Step 4: Helmets and Such
If it is especially cold on the hill you may want to put on a hat, facemask, and goggles. Granted, all these items are optional but they defiantly help to increase the amount of time you can spend on the hills without turning into a human popsicle. If you do not own these items you can buy them in the pro shop or at another sports store with competitive prices. Then be sure to put on your helmet, ensure if fits snuggly and will protect you in the case of an accident.
Step 5: Skis
Now that you are fully dressed proceed outside and lay your skis down on the ground. Put your boot into the ski binding toe first then press down your heel into the binding. It should click and lock if done properly. Repeat this step for the other ski. Make sure when you get your skis they are properly fitted so they stay on when skiing, but when you fall they come off so you don't hurt yourself.
Step 6: Poles and Mitts
This step is the simplest, simply grab your poles from whatever destination they lie in and put on your gloves. Remember to place the wrist straps around your wrist so you don't drop your poles while skiing down the slopes.
Step 7: Finishing Touches
Other optional items that you may want to invest in are "hot pouches" which small air activated packages that keep your hands warm. You can also buy a similar product which is meant for your toes. These can be bought at the ski hill. If it is especially snowy you may also want tissues or a clothe to clean off you goggles.
Step 8: Shred the Nard!
Now that you are dressed to go skiing be prepared to have a fun day on the slopes!