Introduction: How to Fake a U.F.O Picture
Have you ever wanted to fake a U.F.O picture to freak out your friends or stump the experts? Well this is the instructable for you!
Step 1: What You'll Need
First off your gonna need a camera the quality doesn't matter your also gonna nee
- 2 paper plates
- some scotch tape
- a dome shaped lid
- 2 paper plates
- some scotch tape
- a dome shaped lid
Step 2: Make Yourself a U.F.O
Get your paper plates and stack them like in the photo below tape along the edges
Optional- put your dome shaped lid directly in the center and tape it down
Optional- put your dome shaped lid directly in the center and tape it down
Step 3: Taking the Picture
Now comes the hard part i would suggest that you use 2 people one to take the picture and one to throw the "U.F.O.". Throw your "U.F.O." like a frizbe and then take the picture at the perfect time and it'll look seemless