Introduction: How to Fix Your Flip Phone's Screen

About: I am a kind of guy who loves to try new things, whether its jumping 10 feet off a ledge or eating some "interesting" food.

Step 1: Getting the Back Off

Unscrew the back of your phone. You should have a MEID HEX circuit board.

Step 2: Unscrew the Metal Label.

Unscrew the small metal plate that gives you access to the main circuit board.

Step 3: The "insides."

It looks complicated, but you just need to take off the top part of the phone.

Step 4: The Wire

The small wire in the picture is the wire that sends the information that you type to the screen. That is the piece that you need to replace.

Step 5: Complicated?

The wire is the piece that you need to replace.

Step 6: Simply Connect

This piece is like a sticker, you just simply connect it to the little port on the side. Like a one piece puzzle.

Step 7: TA DA!!!!

Now your phone is ready and working.
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