Introduction: How to French Braid
Do you want to learn how to braid a Frenchtastic braid? It's easy for everyone to do. The braid can be causal or formal. Get everything you need and let's get started!
Step 1: What You Need
You will need elastics (hair ties), hairspray, a water bottle, and any kind of comb.
Step 2: Wet Your Hair Down
First, make sure all of your hair is wet. After take a comb and part your hair how you want it. If you don't want your hair parted that's ok.
Step 3: Taking Sections
Then, start by taking a section at the top of your head. Separate the section into 3 strands.
Step 4: Start Your Braid
Cross the strands over as if your doing a regular braid. Switch all of the strands over to your left hand. Keep them separated.
Step 5: Adding Strands
Gather a small even section from the right of your head and add it to the right strand
Step 6: Bring It to the Middle
Bring the strand you added to over to the middle. The strand that was in the middle bring it to the right.
Step 7: Switch Over
Keep all the strands separated and switch them over to your right hand
Step 8: From the Left
Gather a small even section from the left side of your head and add it to the left strand
Step 9: Left Over to the Middle
Now bring the left over to the middle and bring the middle strand to the left. Keep your hand close to your head so your braid is tight.
Step 10: Repeat the Steps
Just keep repeating the steps and you'll finish off with a regular braid