Introduction: How to Install Car LED Strip Lights
Have you seen anyone sport a set of LED Underbody car lights? Whether or not you choose to install the single colored LED strip or the multi-colored RGB LED strip is all based on personal preference, but here is a guide to go through the installation process. The concept is straightforward as you will be securing the LED strips along the out edges of your car and extending the wires up to the engine bay.
Before you proceed with the first step, be sure to use a washcloth to gently remove any dirt or mud so your LED strips won't be dirty. If you have a hydraulic jack, now is a great time to utilize it since you can jack up the car for more access to the underside of the vehicle. If you don't have a hydraulic jack, that won't be an issue. You can still proceed with the installation.
Step 1:
Set the LED strip underneath your vehicle. Now is a good time to see if the underside of your car has any way of securely attaching the LED strips, including bolts, brackets or other small openings. Secure the LED strip with zip-ties.
We recommend zip-ties for every 12 inches of the LED strip, since double-sided tape may not be strong enough to securely attach the strip indefinitely. It helps if you have a friend to help you hold the LED strip in place during the attachment process, but if not you can just use the double-sided tape to temporarily mount the LED strip in place before you permanently secure it with zip ties.
Step 2:
Extend the wires. Route the 4 wires up to the engine bay and connect them to the module box. If the wiring of the LED strip on the rear bumper is not long enough to reach the front of the vehicle, you may use the extension wires that come with the package.
Step 3:
Tap the Red wire to battery positive/Black wire to negative or ground. If there is an optional wire, check the installation sheet to see what it's for.
These diagrams demonstrate where the LED strips are located in the car, in relation to their wiring.
Step 4:
Place the module box close to the battery, but away from the engine so there is no risk of damage. Make sure the location you place the module box at will be dry at all times. The battery/fuse box location is designed to stay perfectly dry so you don't have to worry about damaging the module box. Extend the antenna on the module box so you can get better reception even if the hood is closed.
Step 5:
Test to make sure everything works and enjoy your set of underbody LED strips. You can see that the installation was pretty straightforward so you will be well on your way to being the coolest and most colorful car on the block.