Introduction: How to Make a Bottle Cap Magnet

About: Hi. These are some things about me. I love the following. Dogs, duck tape, drawing, and many other things. These are some things I don't like. Spiders:(, bugs, and sadly to some viewers pickles. Please fav all…
Hope you like this instructable!!!!!!!!

Step 1: Supplies

For this craft you will need the following, Bottle caps or bottle caps that you had left over from a kit. Scrap book paper, stickers,a pack of magnets, they can be found at Walmart, and a hot glue gun.

Step 2: Your Background

First cut you scrap paper in a circle so it can fit in your bottle cap.

Step 3: Glueing

No plug in your glue gun and glue the background in place.

Step 4: Putting on You Magnet

Ok now turn your bottle cap over and glue or stick your magnet to you cap.

Step 5: Decorating

Now you can put stickers, beads, ect.

Step 6: Try It Out

Now put it on something that it will attract to.

Step 7: Done

I hope you like this simple craft, thank you for viewing, please make sure you check out my friend amonj02 and fav her bye