Introduction: How to Make a Cheap Weapon From Cheap Things
Hey i made this insturcable for the zombie apocalypse contest,I'll be showing you how to make a simple weapon that will shoot pencils,sticks,and even stakes!!
Step 1: Materials
So this is project with materials easy to find.
What you need is:
a toilet paper roll tube
a balloon
a strong tape (package tape,brown tape,foil tape, or even hot glue)
a thing to shoot (pencils,candle,stake,bb's)
Step 2: The Balloon
you wanna cut the part you blow ad leave the part that turns into a ball you might ant to keep the blow part for my next instructable about slingshots.
Step 3: Putting Together the Blaster
so to make the blaster tape the balloon part to the toilet paper roll
Step 4: Viola
you are done. now you can have weapon for the zombie apocalypse i hope you enjoy