Introduction: How to Make a Double X Bracelet

About: My name is Montserrat and I'll be teaching how to make rainbow loom bracelets :D and prob more stuff ^.^ you never know

Step 1: Supplies

Here is what you need:
2.C clip or S clip
3.Bands (of course)
4.And the most important THE LOOM!!!!

Step 2: Placing the Bands

First make your loom even then add a band to the left across as if you making a boarder then a other one to the right btw start on the first peg o.o k now on the left first peg put a band going to the second middle peg and do the same to the right

Step 3: Hooking

So look at the pics because I can't really explain this thanks!

Step 4: Extented

It not long enough so yea lol so just point your loom where the arrow is pointing away and make a straight line on one of the sides

Step 5: Finshing

Ok take you bracelet off and attach your S or C clip

Step 6: SMILE :D

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