Introduction: How to Make a Heating Sensor From Fluorescent Lamp Starter

About: thank you sunshiine for supporting me : ) i am mahmoud , i live in Egypt , i like to inventing new things form junk and old toys and

  This instructable is about hacking a Fluorescent Lamp Starter and turn it into a heating sensor , It is a very, I mean very, easy Instructable.
  Here is how it works , when you heat the metal chrome part it will shrink and touch the metal wire and close the circuit .

You can download the video and see how it works!

Step 1: What You Will Need


Fluorescent lamp starter

Step 2: Start Hacking

  First,open the Fluorescent Lamp Starter with the help of pliers and remove the cap like shown in the picture.

Step 3: Remove the Lamp

   Open each metal tube by squeezing the tubes with the help of the pliers like shown , then pull the wires form the metal tubes to get the lamp out with the help of the pliers , after you open it,  take the lamp and this plastic thing out like shown , then throw this plastic thing and plastic cap away, we don't need them any more.

Step 4: Break the Lamp

Break The lamp with the help of the pliers , you can squeeze it with pliers or hit it with the pliers like shown in the picture ,
throw this glass away and be careful not to cut your self with it , and we are Done!

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