Introduction: How to Make a Light Up Hacky Sack

This instructable shows one how to modify a hacky sack in order to make it light up. A sweet gift for the upcoming holidays!

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Step 1: Get Your Stuff & Start!

Things needed for this project:
-Hacky sack (duh :P)
-One of those light up bouncy balls like these.
-Sewing needle and some thread
-Exacto knife

First, you want to get the little plastic ball out of all that rubber surrounding it. You can do this with an Exacto knife of sorts or something like that. A pic of it is shown below.

Step 2: Cut an Opening, Sew, & Finish

Break out your scissors and cut somewhere along the hacky sack, big enough to insert the little plastic ball into. You'll have to take some pellets out to make room for it also.

After that, put the little ball in, sew it up, and you're good to go! Have fun hacking it up in the dark or whatever pleases you! ;)