Introduction: How to Make a PVC Pipe "P"

List of Materials:
- 4, 45 degree fittings
- 1, 90 degree fitting
- 1, T-joint fitting
- 3, 1 in PVC pipe
- 3, 3.5 in PVC pipe
-1, 8 in PVC pipe

Step 1: Find All Fittings

Collect all of your fittings to have them ready when you assemble.

Step 2: Cut PVC Pipe

Cut three pieces of PVC pipe that is 3.5 in. long and set aside. Then cut one piece of PVC pipe that is 8 in. long. Lastly, cut out three pieces of PVC pipe that is one inch long.

Step 3: Create Round Part of P

Create the round part of the letter "P" by connecting the four 45 degree fittings with the three 1 in. pieces.

Step 4: Assembling "P"

Add two 3.5 inch pieces of PVC pipe to the open ends of the circular part of "P".

Step 5: Assembling "P"

On the top part of your letter "P", attach a 90 degree fitting to the 3.5 inch piece (which is connected to the circular part).

Step 6: Assembling "P"

Attach your last 3.5 inch piece of PVC pipe to the opening of the 90 degree fitting.

Step 7: Assembling "P"

Attach the T-joint fitting to the ends of both your 3.5 inch PVC pipe.

Step 8: Assembling "P"

Connect the 8 inch piece of PVC pipe to the last opening of the T-joint fitting.

Step 9: Finished!

Your letter "P" is complete!

Step 10: How to Make a PVC Pipe "N"

List of Materials:
- 4, 90 degree fittings
- 2, 9 inch pieces of PVC Pipe
- 1, 8 inch piece of PVC Pipe
- 2, 1 inch pieces of PVC Pipe

Step 11: Find All Your Fittings

Collect your four 90 degree fittings.

Step 12: Cut Your PVC Pipe

Cut 2 pieces of PVC pipe that are nine inches long. Then, cut one piece of PVC pipe that is 8 inches long. After you have done this, cut 2 pieces of PVC pipe that are only one inch long.

Step 13: Assembling "N"

Start off with one of your nine inch pieces. Attach a 90 degree fitting to the top of it.

Step 14: Assembling "N"

Connect one of your one inch pieces of PVC pipe to the open end of the 90 degree fitting which is attached to your nine inch piece of PVC pipe. After this, attach another 90 degree fitting to the one inch piece of PVC Pipe. It should fit together so that the one inch PVC pipe is not visible at all. The one inch PVC Pipe is there to connect the two fittings to each other.

Step 15: Assembling "N"

Attach your eight inch piece to the opening of the 90 degree fitting. You need the eight inch piece, because when you attach your 90 degree fittings, it will be even with the two other sides of the "N". After this, attach a 90 degree fitting to the end of the 8 inch piece. Then put the one inch piece into the opening of the 90 degree fitting, and then add the other 90 degree fitting to it. Lastly, attach your nine inch piece to the last opening of your 90 degree fitting.

Step 16: Finished!

You are now done creating your PVC pipe letter "N".