Introduction: How to Make a Paper Minecraft Skin
Step 1: Materials
You will need:
• grid paper
• pencil or pen
• scissors
• color pencils (for decoration)
• a glue stick or double sided tape
• grid paper
• pencil or pen
• scissors
• color pencils (for decoration)
• a glue stick or double sided tape
Step 2:
Draw a square as big as you want.
I did it 3 by 3
I did it 3 by 3
Step 3:
Draw five more squares in the pattern provided in the picture.
Step 4:
Draw seven flaps like in the picture
Step 5:
The head lay out is done. Now onto the body. Draw a rectangle that is as wide as the head but longer in hight
Step 6:
Decide how long you want the side to be. My side was one point five long. And don't forget to draw where the legs and head will connect
Step 7:
Add the nine flaps like shown in the picture
Step 8:
Time to start the arms. Draw a rectangle 1 shorter than the body
Step 9:
Draw three more rectangles on one side and two squares on top
Step 10:
Draw the nine flaps like shown in the picture.
Step 11:
Make a second arm.
Step 12:
Start the legs. They are the same as the arms.
Step 13:
Now that all are done they should look like mine.
Step 14:
DECORATION!!!!!!!!!! Decorate your skin the way you want. I did a Steve skin.
Step 15:
After decorating you should cut all the parts out.
Step 16:
Use the glue stick and put some glue on all the flaps and put the piece together. But before you have to fold along all the lines and on the arm piece you have to Leave one flap out so it can fit in between the head and the body.
Step 17:
Glue all the body parts together