Introduction: How to Make Fried Zucchini

About: I live in Germany next to a military base (my dad teaches (middle school) on a military base). I was born in Spain again on a military base. I've lived my whole life in Europe. I wish i had some power tools a…
This Instructable will tell you how to make a cheap appetizer/side dish. This is a good recipe to get rid of all of that left over zucchini that you either bought or you just had a ton from your own garden.

Step 1: Gathering the Ingredients


1 medium zucchini
~1/2-3/4 cup of flour
~1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup butter
1/4 teaspoon of salt

Now for me I like simplistic things, and well, this is a pretty simplistic recipe.

Step 2: Prepairing the Zucchini

Wash and slice zucchini in 1/4 inch slices.

Mix flour and salt in a shallow bowl.

Dip zucchini in milk then in the flour mixture, and put them aside.

Step 3: Frying the Zucchini

Now you should melt the butter in a frying pan. Place the zucchini slices in the pan, and fry them in the pan until they are golden brown. Flip them over when one side gets done.

Step 4: Serving Them

Now move them onto a paper towel to soak the up the excess grease. Then sprinkle them lightly with salt, and serve.

Sorry for the crappy images (old camera, and first time using a camera).
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Party Like It's 1929!