Introduction: How to Make Labels on Word

About: I love doing anything crafty! I am in Girl Scouts and LOVE anything Disney!
Read on to learn how to make these!

Step 1: Pick Shape

Press Autoshape for different shapes

Step 2: Get Shape on Paper

Click the shape you want and then click the paper

Step 3: Make It Colorful!

Click on spilling paint bucket and click on chosen color

Step 4: Pick an Outline

Click on paintbrush

Step 5: Add Text

Click on the colorful A

Step 6: Pick Font!

When you find one you like click on it and click ok

Step 7: Type Text

When you are done press ok

Step 8: Make the Text Square

Click format word art and then click layout and square

Step 9: Move Text Into Shape

Step 10: Enjoy Your Label!