Introduction: How to Make the 4x4 Pump Minigun

About: I like making stuff, gaming and more. I make stuff with paper and upload them to Instructables if I'm bored. Bye for now.

Step 1: Materials

You'll need:
•Binder Paper
•Index Cards?
•Glue Stick

Step 2: 4x4 Tubes

Get 2 sheets of binder paper, cut them in half and roll them up with the glue, and tape.

Step 3: Tape It

Tape all the tubes like this

Step 4: The Wrap

Get another piece of binder paper and wrap it around the tubes then tape it

Step 5: The Handles

Get an index card and cut it in half, and connect it to the gun, do the same thing and connect it in the pics

Step 6: Scope

Put a scope in the middle

Step 7: ?

Cut out something like this and connect it to the gun

Step 8: Pump and Done

Get 4 papers and roll em up tight and tape. Make the bullets for all the holes and pump.