Introduction: How to Make the Buzzard Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!
The Buzzard paper airplane is an aircraft similar to most walkalong gliders.

TAA USAF Designation: A6-1

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch Paper

Step 2: Waterbomb Base Fold

Hold the top to the side and repeat. Them pull the top onto itself, then

Step 3: Tuck the Folds

Tuck the paper in under itself. The pictures represents what the paper should appear like.

Step 4: Pull the Paper Forward

Pull the top up to the front as pictured. Then fold the diagonal edge to the center line and repeat on the opposite side. Then fold it in half along its center.

Step 5: Cut the Fins

Cut in 3/4 of an inch from the rear of the aircraft for what will become the vertical stabilizers. Then cut along the center from the rear to that point.

Step 6: Fold the Fins

Fold each fin so its rear sits completely over the trailing edge of the wing. Repeat on the other side then flip the Buzzard over.

Step 7: Taping the Buzzard Together

Tape the cited areas down.

Step 8: Flight

Your Buzzard is now ready for flight. Enjoy!