Introduction: How to Make the Hurricane Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!

Designed to be a larger, more unique follow-on to the Hoverfly, the Hurricane is a large "'drone' helicopter" paper airplane. To my knowledge it is also the first paper helicopter deviating from the standard two blade design, which the Hoverfly was modeled after.

Even before the Hoverfly was posted, I wished to design a much larger, more unique successor. The Hurricane resulted from this design effort, and it is more than I ever imagined it'd be. Although this aircraft had an entirely new configuration, it had been very easy for me to develop, test and handle. Its simple design encouraged me to research further, and eventually publish this instructable on it.

Like the smaller Hoverfly, the Hurricane is designed for many uses, including as a research testbed for use in classrooms. Some potential experiments this aircraft could be used in include:

  • Air resistance
  • Wing area versus weight hangtime comparisons
  • Wing area adjustment hangtime comparisons

TAA USAF Designation: HD179-1

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8 by 10.5 inch graph paper

Step 2: Begin Construction

Begin making your Hurricane by marking out a box of 16 by 8 boxes, with a 2 by 2 additional outcropping on a single sheet of graph paper. At the top, mark a solid line 6 boxes in length, every 2 boxes from the corners of the main box. From this line, mark a dotted line that stretches from the side of the boxes to the other, including the outcropping. Below the vertical lines intersection with the horizontal line, extend them as dotted lines.

Your Hurricane should now look as pictured. Cut the airframe out along the solid outer line.

Solid lines indicate places to cut. Dotted lines indicate fold lines.

Note: 1 box = 0.25 inches

Step 3: Making the Rotors and Fuselage Folding

Cut along the solid lines you made previously. These will complete the rotors themselves. Once you've cut each of them accordingly, fold along the dotted lines. After this is completed, your Hurricane should appear as it does in the last photograph.

Step 4: Fuselage Folding, Taping and Stapling

Fold your fuselage into a doughnut shape, with the outcropping being taped to the inside of its opposite. Once you have taped this, turn to the spots on the side of the fuselage 2 sides away from the point at which you taped the outcropping to the inside of the fuselage. Apply a staple. Repeat on the other side of the meeting point.

Step 5: Rotor Folding

Fold your Hurricane's rotors down as shown. The rotors above the meeting point. its opposite and the rotors above each staple should be flat, perpendicular to the fuselage. Each of the other rotors should only be folded with 45-60 degrees of dihedral, per stability requirements (you may need to adjust it after your check flight).

This will complete your Hurricane.

Step 6: Flight

Although somewhat similar to the Hoverfly, the Hurricane does have some signficant operation differences. Unlike the Hoverfly, the Hurricane may not descend vertically. Under the right circumstances, it may travel several feet laterally. If your Hurricane is unstable, you may need to adjust the angles of the rotors' dihedral. Additionally, the Hurricane may stay in the air several seconds longer than the Hoverfly. Enjoy!

4th Epilog Challenge

Participated in the
4th Epilog Challenge