Introduction: How to Make the Pelican Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!
The Pelican paper airplane is a large aerobatics plane that can loiter long and carry a fair sized load.

TAA USAF Designation: F78-1

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch paper
Scissors (for modifications)

Step 2: Width Fold

Fold your paper in half width-wise from it's original 8.5 by 11 inch size.

Step 3: Sweep Fold

Pull your paper down so the end of the fold are at the corners. Repeat on the other side.

Then open the folds up.

Step 4: Continue Folding

Fold the paper into itself as shown. Repeat on the other side. Then fold it down along the previously established fold line. Repeat on the other side. 

Step 5: Preparation of the Security Fold

The nose should be folded pointed up at a 90 degree angle with the rear part of the fold 4 inches ahead of the trailing edge. After this is done open this. Then lay what will be security fold into the inside of the fuselage as shown.

Step 6: Fold the Wings

Fold from the front of the security fold to the trailing edge. Repeat on the other side.

Step 7: Security Fold

Start by folding the "beak" down along the wing root. Then fold and flatten the beak. Then flip the plane so the fuselage is up. At this point you fold the beak back towards the fuselage as shown. Then repeat on the other side.

Step 8: Fold the Winglets

Then fold the two wings back down. Then pull the wingtips up and fold them to a height of about 1.5 inches. Repeat on the other side. Then unfold the wings so that it appears ready for flight.

Step 9: Tape

Tape the flaps of the "beak" down where cited. Repeat on the other side.

Step 10: Flight

Your Pelican is now ready for flight. Enjoy!