Introduction: How to Make the Skyhawk Paper Airplane
The Skyhawk is a paper airplane that specializes in gliding and delivery. The Skyhawk is a suitable trainer, and is like a tumble-wing.
TAA USAF Designation: TF57-1
TAA USAF Designation: TF57-1
Step 1: Materials
1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch Paper
1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch Paper
Step 2: X Folding
Fold one corner to the other side of the paper. Open up the fold. Fold the other way. Open the folds.
Step 3: Cover Folding
Pull the top down over itself. Then open. Pull the paper into the center over itself as pictured.
Step 4: Counterweight Folding
Pull the paper up to the center top. Repeat on the side. Then pull the paper into the center once again. Repeat on the other side.
Step 5: Security Fold
Fold the paper under the two flaps you previously folded and then use the pocket fold to hold the two flaps. This will enable you to complete the plane properly with no tape.
Step 6: Wing Folding
Flip your Skyhawk over to its "blank" side. Then, without creasing the center, fold its wingtips into the center. Then fold the wingtip down in half. Repeat on the other side.
Step 7: Elevator Folds
Pull the paper up from the back in towards the center as pictured. Repeat on the other side.
Step 8: Preflight
Preflighting your Skyhawk is easy. Just open it as shown.
Step 9: Flight
To launch and fly your Skyhawk, hold it by its counterweight. Then advance through the air lightly.