Introduction: How to Make the Super StratoEagle Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!
Fast, long range and stable, the Super StratoEagle is an advanced version of the StratoEagle paper airplane with ventral canards. These canards improve handling at low speed; high angles of attack; and add greater stability overall. The blunt shape of its nose and its excellent handling characteristics make the Super StratoEagle extremely versatile, and so it can easily function as a trainer or as an interceptor of its own right.

Educators could easily use this versatile paper airplane to demonstrate:
  • Glide ratio
  • Hangtime versus other aircraft
  • Weight and balance
  • Flight dynamics
TAA USAF Designation: F266-2

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch Paper

Step 2: Length and Leading Edge Folding

Fold your paper in half length-wise. Then make a mark 1 inch above the center crease along the front of paper. Then pull the paper down so that the crease stretches from the mark you just made and the corner of the paper on the other side. Repeat on the other side. Undo these folds, then pull the corners to the creases as shown. Now refold the original folds.

Step 3: Canard and Nose Folding

Start folding your canards by pulling the overhanging sections of paper back over the fuselage and crease. Repeat on the other side. Once this is finished, pull the nose back to the trailing edge. Once you have done this, pull the nose back forward until your have unveiled the canards fully. After this is done, pull the tip of the nose to the front of the canards as shown.

Step 4: Wing and Winglet Folding

Fold the paper in half along the center crease. Use a ruler to measure and mark one inch from the wingtip along the trailing edge and one inch above the center crease along the trailing edge. Fold at these marks. Once you have finished folding the wings, begin folding the winglets. This should also be done at the marks.

Step 5: Taping

Begin taping your Super StratoEagle by applying tape where designated. Once you have taped the points where directed, adjust the canards to ~45 degrees anhedral (this anhedral will be reduced by gravity in ground operations). This will complete your Super StratoEagle.

Step 6: Flight

Like the Eaglet and StratoEagle from which it was derived, the Super StratoEagle is a fast, stable paper airplane. For a slow flight, a moderate throw at neutral or negative attitude is necessary (though this can change if additional surfaces have been applied). For a fast flight, a quick throw at any attitude is required. Additional surfaces that can be applied to this airplane include flaps, slats, elevators, ailerons, elevons, airbrakes, and rudders. Enjoy!