Introduction: How to Make Waterproof Matches

About: If it moves and it isn't supposed to move, Duct Tape it. If it doesn't move and its supposed to move, WD40 it. Hack with Sugru. Conor is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affili…
This instructable will show you how to make waterproof matches using a candle and non-waterproof matches.

Step 1: What You Will Need

You will need:

A candle


Step 2: Light the Candle

First, light the candle and wait for some wax to melt.

Step 3: Blow the Candle Out

Now blow the candle out after there is enough molten wax to dip the match tip in.

Step 4: Dip the Candles in the Wax

Next dip the tips of the matches in the molten wax. This will create a waterproof barrier against the water.

Step 5: Let the Wax Set

Finally to make them fully waterproof let the wax set making sure they don't stick together.

Step 6: How to Use

To use scrape the wax off the match and light it like normal.