Introduction: How to Make a Soil Blocker
Step 1: The Materials and Tools Part
Step 2: Start the Wood Frame
Step 3: Now the Metal Frame Sides
Step 4: The Dividers
Step 5: Assembly
Step 6: The Plunger
Step 7: Finish the Assembly
Step 8: Clear Coat
Step 9: Use It
The boc choi in the picture was planted last fall in a cold frame. I just pulled it out of the ground and the block is still pretty much intact. Pretty cool.
Now you've built this contraption. How do you use it?
It's easy but you need a few supplies:
1. Moist potting soil / seed starting mix. Don't use garden soil. Get the stuff in a bag. Put it in a plastic bin and add water till it holds together in a ball when you squeeze it in your hand.
2. A shallow container. I use a kitty litter pan.
3. A waterproof tray. Something to hold the blocks in. You want it to be waterproof so you can water the blocks from the bottom.
4. A spatula. Good for moving the blocks around in the tray.
5. A pencil. Works well for making holes in the blocks for seeds.
Making Blocks
Put some soil in the pan. Make a mound about 1 1/2 times the height of the blocker cells. It needs to be deep enough that it will compress as the blocker is pressed down but not so deep that the blocker can't hit bottom.
Press the blocker into the soil and push down firmly all the way to the bottom. Twist back and forth a little.
Take the blocker out and put it in the tray. Press the plunger down as you pull the blocker up leaving the blocks behind in the tray.
You may find that you need to periodically clean the blocker as you are using it if it gets hard to work the plunger.
Now get out there and start planting!
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