Introduction: How to Make a Tri-Scooter!!
*yawn* I'm tired....I'll go to bed. Goodnight, Mom I'm tired.....*goes down stairs to basement* brush in little circles,flush toilet,*yawn* *gets in bed* .....20 minutes later....... dangit I cant sleep.......*listens to Ipod* I need some better songs on this piece of junk......*throws Ipod on floor*.....too bad it was too wet out to go longboarding.......I wish I had some sort of vehicle that could take some rain for days like this.........I'll try to invent something! But what can i invent that has not already been invented? hmm there are all sorts of odd things that roll now, the trikke,thats cool,ripstik,cool also,bike,the list goes on.....I want something new,a head turner,that's what I want......but I am broke,what could I possibly invent with what I already have?*gets out of bed and looks in closet* "hey my old scooter!" Hey I know what I'll build! A Tri-Scooter!! and this instructable was born.......
Sorry I do not have any pics of the build but it is pretty self-explanitory........
i would say the weight limit is 110 lbs or so..... heavier if u use bigger allthread
tell me what u think!
Sorry I do not have any pics of the build but it is pretty self-explanitory........
i would say the weight limit is 110 lbs or so..... heavier if u use bigger allthread
tell me what u think!
Step 1: What U Need:
lawnmower wheels $10 a piece from ace hardware or home depot
allthread with appropriate nuts, as big as u can fit in the ½" copper (or steel if u want) pipe
duct tape/hot glue (optional) to keep the nuts from shaking off
drill bit a bit bigger than ur allthread
Step 2: Drill Out Holes
make the back holes a bit larger to accomidate the althread
Step 3: What You Need:
Here is the stuff that I used:
some ½ copper pipe
the biggest allthread that you can fit in the pipe
some nuts that fit the allthread
some lawnmower wheels,any size will work,bigger the cooler
an old scooter
a large drill bit a bit larger than the allthread,size will vary by scooter
some duct tape
some ½ copper pipe
the biggest allthread that you can fit in the pipe
some nuts that fit the allthread
some lawnmower wheels,any size will work,bigger the cooler
an old scooter
a large drill bit a bit larger than the allthread,size will vary by scooter
some duct tape
Step 4: Reove Back Wheel
You might need an allen wrench or a screw driver again scooters vary........
Step 5: Assemble
sorry this is pretty undetailed......
nut,wheel,pipe,scooter,pipe,wheel,nut,all of that on the allthread in that order
nut,wheel,pipe,scooter,pipe,wheel,nut,all of that on the allthread in that order
Step 6: Secure the Nuts
Add some duct tape around the nuts so they do not shake off.
Step 7: Test!!
It worked Great! it bent a bit but i am vey heavy most kids could ride it no problem. that's my sis standing on it,just but one foot on each piece of pipe!
Happy riding!
Happy riding!