Introduction: How-To Project By: Maddie Weller
This video is what we are trying to accomplish, then after you get this skill you can start to work on passes.
Step 1: Warm Up
Suggested warms ups
1. Run accros the floor multiple times
2. Skip and reach down multiple times
3. Jumping Jacks
The video is examples of warm ups and stretches
Step 2: Strech
You should focus on streching your shoulders, back, and wrists
1. Lean to the right
2. Lundge to the right
3. Lean back on your leg in a lundge
4. Go into the splits
5. Repeate on the left leg
6. Go into the middle splits
7. Strech your shoulders and wrists
8. Go into a bridge
Tip: Hold each strech for 15 sec, hold bridge for 30sec, and splits for 1min
Step 3: Previous Skills
Before attempting a backhandspring make sure you have a coach to help you and these skils
1. Handstand
2. Cartwheel
3. Backwalkover
Step 4: Drills
This is a list of drills to work up to doing a backhandspring
1. Jumping back onto a mat
2. Handstand snap downs
3. Handstand hops
Step 5: Before You Attempt...
You must be able to do a standing backhandspring by yourself on at least a tumble track or an air track
Tip: If you don't have access to either surfaces you can use a trampoline
Step 6: During the Skill...
When you first try to do the skill you should first start, by doing it onto a squishy mat so if you do fall you will be ok. You should focus on snapping your legs down and pushing through your shoulders to make sure you are able to get your feet over and complete the skill.
Step 7: Passes
Once you are able to do a roundoff backhandspring and standing backhandspring and can try to work on passes.
The video is a front handspring step out
Fronthandspring Roundoff Handspring
- Push through your shoulders really fast on the fronthandspring so you have power going into the roundoff
- Snap your legs down fast in the backhandspring
- You must be able to do a front walkover before attempting this pass
Multiple Handsprings
- Snap your legs down fast after each
- Make sure your arms are going back up fast between each
- Push through your toes and shoulders so you will have enough power
Step 8: Tips
- Don't arch your back
- Snap your legs down fast
- The higher you rebound out of the roundoff the easier it will be to make it over
- Push through your toes and shoulders
- Your arms should be next to your ears the whole time
- If you keep your legs together you it will be easier
Step 9: History of Tumbling and Allstar Cheerleading
Although allstar cheerleading hasn't been around a long time, some of the sports roots date back long ago. Tumbling, specificly dates back to ancient times in Asia. All throughout history people have attempted to find ways to flip and tumble throughout the air. In more recent times, tumbling has been added into allstar cheer in the 1900's. During this decade, when women became a part of the sport they brought tumbling as well. The first beginnings of allstar cheer begain with cheerleading clinics, these clinics focused on teaching higher level skill. In 1948 Lawrance Herkimer taught the first, during this he developed many sideline and allstar cheerleaidng staples used to this day. Later on he founded NCA (National Cheerleaders Association), which to this day is a prestigous competition. His general manager Jeff Webb went on to found UCA (Universal Cheerleaders Association) another major competition. These competitions helped to grow allstar cheer into what it is today. Now allstar cheer focuses on winning comepitions and growing their athletes.
Step 10: Personal History
Throughout my How-To Project I am demonstrating bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. I demonstrate this intelligence by showing people how to tumble and execute the skills correctly. Personally all my life I have done sports similar to allstar cheer,(gymnastics, dance, sideline cheer) but nothing held my interest as much as allstar cheer does. Allstar cheer is a life consuming sport, on a weekly basis I spend at least 10-20 hours in the gym training. When I first joined, I was very confused with how to do some of the moves because I had never been taught the proper technique for allstar cheer, gymnastics was very different and I was very shy when I didn't understand something. Now because of many long hours of training and dedication I have grown to love it and will continue to do it for a very long time. My coaches have been very reasuring and helpful to get me where I am and have taught me about the sport I spend all my time in.
Step 11: Bibliography
“Being a Cheerleader - History of Cheerleading.”, 20 Oct. 2014,
“History of Trampoline and Tumbling.” USA Gymnastics | USA Gymnastics, 26 Apr. 2007,