Introduction: How to Put a New ''Chain'' on a Finger - Bike
what you need
-finger bike
-small rubber band (or old finger bike chain thingie)
-2 tech deck tools
-nimble fingres
what you dont need
-the worlds largest pie
-finger bike
-small rubber band (or old finger bike chain thingie)
-2 tech deck tools
-nimble fingres
what you dont need
-the worlds largest pie
Step 1: Un-screw the Cranks
put both tech deck tools on the cranks and turn in opposite directions.
Step 2: Take Rear Wheel Off
pretty much the same thing as unscrewing the cranks.
Step 3: Pull Apart the Frame...
and just a little, don't bend it
now slip on the rubber band and put it on the bottom bracket and the
and just a little, don't bend it
now slip on the rubber band and put it on the bottom bracket and the
Step 4: Put It Back Together
yep your almost done !
Step 5: Put It Back Into Your Mini Shop and Your Done
: )
hope this helped!
hope this helped!