Introduction: How to Shave
This is how to shave (your face). There won't be other parts to this series.
Step 1: Get a Razor
This is the thing that will shave your face. It is impossible to shave your face without one. Try shaving with your bare hands. It doesn't work.
Step 2: Take the Guard Thing Off
If you lost yours, then skip this step. I shouldn't have had to tell you that. It's common sense.
Step 3: Find the Power Button/Switch
This is also important. If the razor isn't on, or you skipped the last step, you're gonna look like an idiot. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Step 4: Turn the Razor On
Push the button
Step 5: Shave Your Face
Seriously, shave already. You're starting to look homeless. And when's the last time you took a shower? You're a mess.