Introduction: How to Design and Decorate Your Room
Have you ever got bored of your room, and wanted to spice it up a bit or decorate it? Well no need to worry! I will show you many ways to design it!
Step 1: Move Around Your Furniture
move around your furniture around your room, like bed, sitting place, drawer, etc..
It will make your room look at bit different since you kept your furniture somewhere else for a long time.
Ps. If you've seen the picture of my sitting place and want to make your own, check out my other instructable!! Dirty laundry bucket/ chair decor for your room!
Step 2: Paint Your Room
Paint your room if its white (if you want to)
You can paint your room with your favorite color!! Before my room was white now it's purple!! Make it colorful and wonderful! :D
Step 3: Floor Mat
You could put a floor mat to also jazz up not just your wall and room but your floor to!
You can put your floor mat at your door, bed, or anywhere you prefer.
Step 4: Change or Buy New Sheets & Blankets
Change your bed sheets once in a while and also maybe your blanket!! This would be great if you have switchable blankets and can also use the same blanket but a different design!!
And put something over your bed to look nice.
Step 5: Decorate the Walls!!
If your feeling like your walls are empty, add Some posters! Frames, pictures etc.. Also you can hang a origami crane on the wall like I did!
And maybe on your door to!
And that's it! Hope you enjoyed this and send me pictures of how your decorated your room in the comments!! :D hope your room turned out great enjoy!!!!