Introduction: How to Take an Amazing Ebay Photo Without a Camera

About: Hello, I am robots199. I love instructables as I have been a proud member for two years now. I repair computers. I am a Xbox 360 and PC gamer in my spare time. I can help with any computer or robot related que…
Do you have a small object that you can not take a good picture of so you can sell it on ebay? Do you want to sell something on ebay but do not have a digital camera? Well, This instructable will teach you how and all you need is a scanner. Please Rate This instructable!!!!!!

Step 1: Gather Materials

For this project you will need a scanner, a computer, object small enough to fit in scanner (flash drive for me but you can even scan Ipods), Blank sheet of paper... Sorry Camera Phone used

Step 2: Open the Hatch!

Open the scanner cover and hold it.

Step 3: Insert Item Here

Place your item in the scanner for ummm.......... Scanning!

Step 4: It's Paper in the Scanner Time.............. Paper in the Scanner Time ........We Know! Get on With It Already!

Put the piece of paper directly over the object in the scanner and close the door.

Step 5: Finish

Press the scan button... Scan..... There you go, a perfect way to make an ebay photo without the camera.