Introduction: How to Tape an Ankle
Materials needed: Pre-wrap
Non-elastic athletic tape
Friction Pads
Caution: Be aware of the tightness of the tape on the subject. Tape that is too tight may compromise circulation.
Step 1: Step 1
Step 1: Place the athlete in front of you, facing you, and sitting down.
Step 2:
Step 2: Have the athlete hold whichever foot you are taping at a 90-degree angle of dorsiflexion. (See Figure 1.)
Step 3:
Step 3: Place one friction pad over the tendons in the front of the ankle and one more friction pad over the tendons in the back of the ankle. (See Figure 2.)
Step 4:
Step 4: Apply pre-wrap to the ankle, starting proximal to distal. Make sure to cover most if not all of the foot and try to avoid wrinkles in the wrap.(Fig.3)
Step 5:
Step 5: Using non-elastic athletic tape, place two “anchor strips” on the distal leg. (Make sure that half the width of the first anchor is directly on the skin.) (Fig. 4.)
Step 6:
Step 6: Place one anchor strip on the foot, right below the base of the 5th metatarsal. (See Figure 4. as well)
Caution: Foot anchor can cause discomfort and constriction, so this is an optional task.
Step 7:
Step 7: Apply a stirrup from the medial side of the leg and pull under the heel to the lateral side of the leg. (See Figure 5.)
Step 8:
Step 8: Repeat this two more times, so that there are 3 stirrups, and make sure with each new one, you are moving the tape more and more over the ankle joint. (See Figures 5, 6 and 7)
Step 9:
Step 9: Place a horizontal horseshoe from the medial to lateral side of the foot, with the tape under the heel. (See Figure 8.)
Step 10:
Step 10: Repeat this two more times, so that there are 3 horseshoes, and make sure that with each new one, you are moving the tape more and more over the ankle joint. (See Figures 8, 9 and 10)
Step 11:
Step 11: Apply heel locks to both the medial and lateral sides of the ankle in a single manner (one for the medial side then a separate one for the lateral side.)
Step 12:
Step 12: Repeat this one more time for each side, so that there are 2 heel locks for the medial side and 2 heel locks for the lateral side of the ankle.
Step 13:
Step 13: Apply one figure-eight to the foot.
Step 14:
Step 14: Then cover up the ankle with tape to give it a cleaner appearance. (See Figure 13.)