Introduction: How to Assemble a Solar Panel: Step-By-Step Guide

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Here also our guide which helps you to assemble a solar panel.

Did you know that you can assemble a solar battery at home by your own hands? With our lifehacks it is easy.

Step 1: Polycrystalline Plates

First of all, you'll need 6x6 polycrystalline plates. You can order a special set online (we used the set that has been ordered on Amazon for $25). It was included 10 plates and a soldering pencil. It's OK to use defective details for our solar battery – this just makes it cheaper. So, don't worry to take them for your home-made battery. These sets – at least, the cheapest ones – can have plenty of faults. In our set, for example, leads were missing. If leads in your set of details are also absent, you can solder them on by your own, as we did. It really took no to much time and was rather easy. At least, it's easier, than it possibly seems.

Step 2: You Need Also

So, except plates, you also need some tin, iron and a soldering pencil. Take a notice: it's better not to use tin overmuch. Make sure joints are soldered proper and good.

After all needed details have been prepared, you can start to assemble your solar panel.

Step 3: Making Solar Panels With a Soldering Pencil

After working soldering spots with a special pencil, use the iron to apply tin carefully. This should be done with all plates from the set. There were 10 them in our sample. It was not so difficult, as it can sound: after 2 or 3 plates had been done the process went smooth and fast.

It's important to remember that it's better to do the job on an even surface (table, floor).

After the first panel was ready for use we decided to arrange field testing, and it turned out that one plate generated approximately 0.5 V. The result meets our expectations.

But we did not plan to make casing. Our goal is to deliver an intuitive description of an operational solar panel.

Step 4: Soldering Plates Together

The next step is soldering all the plates together. Do the work carefully and with no rush, because all the details are delicate and can be permanently damaged with just one move. Plates can be split up when joining. Don't worry too much because of it, they're still usable, however their nominal performance can be lower.

Step 5: Final Test of DIY Solar Panel

Now it's time for the final test. We discovered that 12 plates generated about 4V. The rather good result was expected, so, our ready-made battery could be finally installed outside. 12 connected plates generated about 7V under clear-sky windless condition. The result was worth all the work had been done.

We recommend using leads of the same length to join parts together. A short lead is used on the plate's opposite side, and it's shorter, then the part itself. You can solder leads quickly after they all have been fit. It's better to avoid cutting the soldered leads, 'cause it can lead to damaging the panel.

Now you're able to assemble and to install a simple and low-cost solar panel by your own hands. As we've discovered, the job is much easier than it can seem. Do it carefully and with no rush and it will take less time and bring you the joy of making useful things for your house.

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