Introduction: How to Booby Trap a Stick of Deodorant!
For this pranks you will need:
1 deodorant stick (its best if it belongs to someone)
1 packet of Kool aid
Step 1
Open the deodorant stick
Step 2
Open the Kool aid packet
Step 3
Sprinkle and spreak kool aid over the top of the deodorant
Step 4
place the top on the deodorant and the prank is set.
Watch the instructional video to get an idea of how this prank really works!
1 deodorant stick (its best if it belongs to someone)
1 packet of Kool aid
Step 1
Open the deodorant stick
Step 2
Open the Kool aid packet
Step 3
Sprinkle and spreak kool aid over the top of the deodorant
Step 4
place the top on the deodorant and the prank is set.
Watch the instructional video to get an idea of how this prank really works!